aku tuh bingung deh... pening.. pusing.. waduh.. aku butuh minyak angin!
ini semua gara-gara streamyx yang semakin hari semakin sebel! gilak! iiihh pak tmnet, dibaiki dong internetnya! kok kerja yang sebegini gampang nggak bisa didatangi??
atau mungkin juga karena laptop ini yang semakin usang dimamah usia. cuman mana mungkin aku bisa gantiin sama yang baru. saku aku juga semakin robek!! loh gi mana dong???
enak banget ya kalo matirial-matirial yang aku inginkan itu langsung aku dapatin secara gratis... kayak orang kaya...huargh huargh huargh (camni ker gaya org indon gelak?? x per, blasah jer). rumahnya gede. mobilnya hebat. uangnya jutaan. kartu kredit baaaanyak skali. hape nya juga yang paling ngetop. nggak perlu ditambahin pulsa persis sekarang. Pakei aja yang namanya talian Lepas Bayaran. kondisi cowok harus bule yang ganteng. liburan ke luar negara perkara biasa doang. keren sih!!
nah! bunyik & lagaknya emang paling sempurna. tapi sedarin dong, itu semua hanyalah mimpi indah yang sedetik. ternyata hidup manusia itu nggak ada yang satu ratus persen perfect. pasti ada kelemahannya yang tersendiri.
ya udahh! omongnya jauh sampei ke timor timor. trus sedari tadi nggak ada satu titik pun yang bisa nyelesain masalah streamyx sialan ini! cikampek! brastagi! sundel bolong! jelangkong! kuntilanak! mak lampir! kris dayanti! ari wibowo! roma irama! hermantino! bakso! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* frens, nanti kumpul duit beli laptop paling latest skali utk birthday aku eh…hehe. aku tunggu tau… aku tunggu jer… aku tunggu eh.. aku tunggu nih..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
title apaan??? nggak ada lah!
Posted by hajar kasri at Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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I'm back! I'm done with my trips and now I can sit back and haunt this blog. :)
Well, your Bahasa Indonesia is impressive! Hmmm.. it means 3 things. Either:
1. You deal with Indonesians or travel to Indon regularly; or
2. Your boyfriend or someone you like is an Indonesian; or
3. Your boyfriend or someone you like is in Indonesia
So which one? You tell me. :)
p/s: Yup.. Streamy suck but if u ever tried Mongolia Telecom, you'll realize how wonderful Streamyx is. Get the SOHO package and u'll be downloading dvd files for 30 minutes. Everytime! ;)
u were in a trip? where? sounds exciting..
u guess..haha
SOHO package? nvr heard of it before. but hey, thx for da info. i'll google dat.
OMG! I didn't realized it took me almost four hours to read and reply to your "Pathetic state of affairs..." post! Gosh! You must read it! By the way, that's not a request! :p
p/s: SOHO package is provided by Streamyx and if I have to guess, hmmm... your boyfriend is in Indonesia? True?
ya udahhh... kamu bikin kepala guee pusing bangat.
next week pegi jakarta lagi ke hajar ooiii... hehehe.
it tooks u 4 hours to complete da whole thing??.. good! especially when i only took 1/2 an hour to do the write up. hahaha...
anyway, i've replied your essay-length-comments. do read. by the way, that's not a request! :p ahaks...
hey, gimme ur blog add la.. secretive sgt..ntah ape ape ntah.
emmm minta maaf ye cik rina..oopps maaf..puan rina. destinasi seterusnya bukan ke jakarta. tapi ke PHUKET, THAILAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yuk, kita liburan dong!! imut... ;D
Well, i would love to give you my blog add but somehow, blogspot have deleted it so I am in no mood to create a new one.
By the way, hanging out here is more fun! :p
Hmmm.. Phuket ye? If I see you there, I'll say hi! :)
kena delete? y? since when? i thot ure an active blooger...? or r u trying to make an xcuse for not letting me view your blog? coz dat wud be a lame one... ;p
Hahaha! Scout honor!
Oh well, you can always check my FB but I dont think you're an FB person. You're more a Friendster dudette aren't you? :p
hajaarr...aku baru je singgah blog ko ni!! tgh baca2! heehhe..haritu kan ko citer ko ada blog! ;) good stuffs babe! rajin2 la meng-update yek!!
bila ler nak lepaks ni wehh.. rumah kita merangkak pun bole sampai :P
hhhmm.. u knew bout my frenster? haha.. klakar kan.. i mean frenster was the coolest thing on earth during my varsity years. it was "in" thing rr mase tu.. so we were kinda freaking "involved" with it.
then myspace came into the picture. & now FB. ade acc pun just for the sake of nk tgk other ppl's pixies...
apparently i just got fed up with updating numbers of virtual netwerking thingy nih.. so currently i just stick with my humble blog & the lame frenster.
chronology of how hajar got herself glued in front of her sayang laptop..;@
ayuuuu...thx so much for viewing my blog. byk ngarut rr. there r quite a no. of sensitive issues which i have in mind dat i really wanna write about, tp ambik mase sket kot. takut terslh ckp..huhu.
a'ah kn.. merangkak jom!
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