Congrats ti...
U looked so happy & very much blissful... ;)

It was u who wanted this to be posted here 'aight, so dun blame me when somebody from $&%*@# starts to ask u what the heck is goin' on... hahaha.. biase la.. being kay-poh-chi is their trademark wut............. hhmm.. lantak la, as long as ure happy darling.

btw, the foods were lovely la.. yummmieess... ;D
ja....malu tau.. yang hang pi letak muke aku tuh nape? tunjuk jari aku udah le la...
wow atiey dah tunang! congrate dengan owang mane ni Ja?
ko kenal tak aku sape Ja? hehehehe
Huhuhu...pasni giliran hajar la plak kan....??? hehehe
jap jap jap..
buleh tak korang letak name...
ni aku nak kena jwb mane satu nih??
k, from top.
anonymous 1: eleh ti, aku promote slh..aku x promote la ye la. aku delete la semua gamba. aku ganti dgn gamba jari aku.
anonymous 2: a'ah ati dah tunang. dgn owang malaysia. aku kenal kau, u r my blog follower kan..hehehe
~E~: ha! mcm ni kan bagus. name siap ada kepak lagi kat kiri kanan. ape ape pun i take it as doa k... AMIN! u bile lg? hhmmm....
haloh..haloh ..jgn arr mare..time kasih la sbb ko ltk pixies aku..pd kengkawan yg aku x jmpt,mintak maap le..buat majlis kecik2 jer... (*yeker kecik???) ;) mcm blog aku plak rasenye... hahaha
Your friend glow and her ring is beautiful. So when is your turn Miss Hajar?
ps: Did you gain weight or is there something wrong with my eyes? :)
no answer yet for the 1st ques. once i kno, i'll let u informed..ahaks.
hhmm...actually..i managed to lose few kilos. yeay!!! ur eyes are ok. mayb da pic was taken too near. the angle contributes to my ugliness too..eerrgghh.
a'a la ti.. aku pun rase mcm ni blog kau.
aaiissy, wat je ape2 announcement kat sini. x de hal la.
ti,sori sgt x dpt dtg ri tu..sib baik hajar de pic ko ni..bleh gak aku tgk...congrats beb...muah2...
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