Please crack your head to answer these questions... your answers are DEFINITELY helping me to get rid off my "sangap"ness... (sigh!!)
- Sapi dgn lembu ada beza ke?
- Oprah dah gemuk balik eh?
- Kenapa citer Hindustan mesti 3 jam?
- Asal website MARA scholarships cam hampeh? Letak link, tp x leh click. demam tul!
- Kenapa music tu universal?
- Kenapa perempuan risau sgt psl berat badan lebih dari berat anak dia? or mak dia ke? or jiran
dia ke?
- Sudah gaharu cendana pula. Asal lak? Ape kaitan gaharu & cendana?
- Why most girls find House damn sexy?
Biarlah aku sorang jer! Sibok je yang lain-lain tuh! Hhhmmpph!! (korang tak payah la jawab
yang ni….tak pasal-pasal aku jadi emotional lak nih..iisssyyyy!)
- Sutera tak boleh bwk solat sbb najis. Abis, baju yang half cotton half silk, boleh x?
- Citer Hikmah kat astro tu ade berapa season sebenarnyer?
- Kenapa manusia suke perasan?
- Kenapa fon aku asyik x de credit jer?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
layan je la k...
Posted by hajar kasri at Thursday, October 30, 2008
Labels: Q and A session
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- Sapi dgn lembu ada beza ke?
-> ada, sapi - minyak & lembu - haiwan
- Oprah dah gemuk balik eh?
-> tak ambil pot
- Kenapa citer Hindustan mesti 3 jam?
-> sebab cite hindustan ada byk video klip :)
- Asal website MARA scholarships cam hampeh? Letak link, tp x leh click. demam tul!
-> sebab dia suruh kita ke menara mara sendiri utk apply sis face same problem too..but then she just jumpa sendiri pegawai mara jer..
- Kenapa music tu universal?
-> coz when words fail music speaks
- Kenapa perempuan risau sgt psl berat badan lebih dari berat anak dia? or mak dia ke? or jiran
dia ke?
-> to look good kot..
- Sudah gaharu cendana pula. Asal lak? Ape kaitan gaharu & cendana?
-> kedua-duanya adalah bersaudara flora :)
- Why most girls find House damn sexy?
Biarlah aku sorang jer! Sibok je yang lain-lain tuh! Hhhmmpph!! (korang tak payah la jawab
yang ni….)
- Sutera tak boleh bwk solat sbb najis. Abis, baju yang half cotton half silk, boleh x?
-> no comment.. cuba tanya Dr. Asri kat
- Citer Hikmah kat astro tu ade berapa season sebenarnyer?
-> tak ker?
- Kenapa manusia suke perasan?
-> sebab manusia ada perasaan :)
- Kenapa fon aku asyik x de credit jer?
-> sebab guna prepaid :), bertukarlah kpd celcom postpaid..hehehe :)
camtu eh?
hhmmmm.. ok.
x tgk pun hikmah tu. tp asyik je nmpk kat tv. curious....
thx btw, for spending ur precious time to answer my stoopid questns.. ;)
no problem at all :)..btw tadi pun i tgh sangap..
hey u r online... ;)
(sangap) x (a bit miserable) + (soo many things to think) / (too lazy to have any material to read about) - frustrated(???) x very much annoyed with some ppl's punyer perangai + mad with streamyx = hajar as at 10.37pm
Ok. As requested, I’m cracking my head to find the answers on your random questions here. Hopefully your “sangapness” will shy away.
On Sapi & Lembu…
Anyway, I don’t thinks there are any differences between Sapi & Lembu. Basically it’s the same thing. Maybe Sapi is the old word for lembu and either usage of sapi or lembu is considered correct. Or maybe, sapi refers to a big or an overweight cow. Logically, the use of the word sapi sounds softer and better than lembu in certain situation. For example, “Minyak Sapi” where it’s actually a product that originated from lembu. So why don’t we call it “Minyak Lembu” instead? Well, ‘Minyak Lembu’ logically do not attract attention because it sounds very uninviting and leave unpleasant taste when you say it. And from this situation, another phrase was born – “Lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama.’ Another example would be “Bodoh macam lembu!”. If you say “Bodoh macam sapi!”, the phrase will sound awkward, thus society decided to maintain the usage of lembu in a negative context as the usage of lembu in that example sounds sterner and deliver the effect to the intended person with more virtue, contains strong defamatory accusation with the intention to embarrass the other person and gives a sense of authority that the phrase conductor desired for himself. Phew…
On has Oprah gain weight….
From what I discovered from an article in dated 18 Oct 2008, Oprah Winfrey's announced that she developed a thyroid condition. When the thyroid slows down and not enough hormone is circulating, the body functions slow down. If this happens to you, like Oprah, you may experience weight gain (or inability to lose weight despite diet and exercise), and debilitating fatigue. Other symptoms of an underactive thyroid (also known as hypothyroidism) include depression, infertility, fuzzy thinking, high cholesterol, neck pain or enlargement, hair loss, low sex drive, and worsening menstrual and menopausal symptoms. An underactive thyroid is the most common problem that affects the thyroid.
To answer your question, yes she has! :D
On why Hindustan movies take too long…
Most Hindustan movies take at least 2 ½ hours or more because as the largest movie producing nation, they want to attract the Indian public; which mostly consist of lower middle income to low income groups to the cinema. By positioning that they will receive value for money returns when they watch movies which will run at least for 2 1/2 hours for a minimum fee, Indian movie industry has succeeded in filling their cinemas. Most movie producers find it’s a challenge to fill in a good storyline on a 3 hours movie but a smart solution was found by someone which is to include at least 8 lengthy songs and dance sequences. :)
On no link for a MARA link…
Well, it’s a normal situation for any Government based websites due to poor management even though some agencies do have dedicated department to look over it. Oh well, can’t say much here. I don’t want to end up in a lock up. Takutttttt… :)
On why music is universal…
The answer would probably be the human’s brain reacts to certain notes and decibels and certain combinations of the notes and decibels will generate different result or reaction for different individual. The human brain actually responds to the music or sound generated by the different combination of notes and decibels and not so much on the lyrics. This is also known as the ‘sound-wave effect’. Certain kind of music can make some people dance instantly, eat fast, motivated, relaxed and engaged in sexual act. It all depends on the individuals itself. That’s why most people can accept good music even though they don’t really understand the lyrics. :)
On why most women are so self-conscious about their weight…
Most women are but not all. Some say it’s because of men! Sometimes, people judge your personality when you are fatter! Magazines and other media play their part too in creating a “perfect look” which is skinny woman. Then society will buy the idea and start telling themselves that women have to look certain ways and if they don’t, they will be labeled with humiliating names. Women are told that men prefer "this and that", and some women become so obsess over being the perfect catch. I can’t deny that almost all people look at the physical attributes first. After all, how many times does a man look at a "fat girl" and say, "she has a great personality, I'd like to get to know her". Sorry to say, not that often. But Hey… if a woman gets too skinny, how could she build her assets – her boobs obviously! Hehehe… Anyway, I could care less. I simply love women of all shapes and sizes and find them sexy as long as they have confidence, love themselves and intelligent! :D
On Gaharu & Cendana…
Well, both are trees but gaharu is smaller then cendana. Gaharu produces oil that is mostly used in traditional medication, perfume and also anti cancer medicines. Cendana on the other hand are heavier, tougher and are usually used to produce furniture and other wood-based souvenirs such as wooden fan, keris and many more.
As your friend said, the only connection between cendana and gaharu is they are both flora. But what the saying "Sudah gaharu, cendana pula" tries to emphasize is the clear differences of both trees in shape & sizes so why do people need to ask questions they've already know? Get it? :)
On why most woman find House sexy…
Not only most woman. I, myself find him sexy. He’s witty, brilliant, sarcastic and selfish. He don’t care about hurting others as long he is not lying. With all his weakness and absurd actions, he’s a man with integrity. And with all that, he’s uniquely irresistible! Growl! ;p
On half cotton and half silk shirt to be worn while praying…
Hmmm… there are several arguments about silk to be worn while praying but I would say it’s a no even though it’s half silk. But don’t trust me, I’m not a religious person but I based my judgment from these few hadis:
Hadis Al-Bara' bin Azib r.a katanya:
Rasulullah s.a.w memerintahkan kami dengan tujuh perkara dan melarang kami dari tujuh perkara. Baginda memerintahkan kami menziarahi orang sakit, mengiringi jenazah, mendoakan orang bersin, menunaikan sumpah dengan benar, menolong orang yang dizalimi, memenuhi undangan dan memberi salam. Baginda melarang kami memakai cincin atau bercincin emas, minum dengan bekas minuman dari perak, hamparan sutera, pakaian buatan Qasiyyi iaitu pakaian berjalur yang diperbuat dari sutera, serta mengenakan pakaian sutera, sutera tebal dan sutera halus.
Hadis Huzaifah r.a:
Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda: Janganlah kamu sekalian minum dalam bekas minuman emas dan perak. Jangan memakai pakaian dari sutera kerana pakaian sutera itu untuk mereka iaitu orang-orang kafir di dunia dan untuk kamu sekalian di akhirat pada Hari Kiamat kelak.
Hadis Ibnu Umar r.a:
Umar bin Al-Khattab melihat pakaian bersulam dari sutera di pintu masjid, lalu dia berkata: Wahai Rasulullah! Bagaimana kiranya engkau membeli benda ini, kemudian memakainya di hadapan orang ramai pada hari Jumaat dan ketika ada tetamu atau perutusan datang kepadamu. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Orang yang memakai ini hanyalah orang yang tidak mempunyai keuntungan memakainya di akhirat. Beberapa waktu kemudian, Rasulullah s.a.w mendapatkan beberapa kain sutera dan baginda memberikan sebahagian darinya kepada Umar. Umar bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah! Engkau memberikan aku pakaian ini, padahal engkau telah menyatakan mengenai sutera Utarid. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Aku memberikan ini kepadamu bukan untuk dipakai. Lalu Umar memberikannya kepada saudaranya yang masih belum memeluk Islam di Mekah.
Hadis Anas bin Malik r.a katanya:
Rasulullah s.a.w mengirimkan sepasang jubah sutera tipis kepada Umar, lalu Umar berkata: Engkau mengirimkan pakaian ini kepadaku, padahal engkau telah memperkatakan mengenainya kelmarin. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Aku mengirimkannya kepadamu bukannya untuk dipakai tetapi untuk engkau memanfaatkan hasil jualannya.
Hadis Uqbah bin Amir r.a katanya:
Rasulullah s.a.w telah dihadiahkan dengan sejenis pakaian luar yang dibuat dari sutera. Baginda memakainya untuk mendirikan sembahyang. Apabila selesai sembahyang, baginda segera menanggalkannya dengan cepat seperti tidak menyukainya. Kemudian baginda bersabda: Pakaian ini bukan untuk orang-orang yang bertakwa.
Hadis Anas bin Malik r.a:
Rasulullah s.a.w memberi kelonggaran kepada Abdul Rahman bin Auf dan Az-Zubir bin Al-Awwam mengenai pakaian sutera dalam perjalanan kerana adanya kudis yang mereka deritai atau adanya penyakit pada mereka.
Hadis Anas bin Malik r.a katanya:
Sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w telah diberi hadiah sepasang jubah yang diperbuat dari kain sutera tipis. Sedangkan baginda melarang orang ramai dari memakai sutera. Para sahabat merasa hairan. Baginda s.a.w bersabda: Demi zat Muhammad yang berada dalam kekuasaan-Nya. Sesungguhnya sapu tangan Saad bin Muaz di Syurga adalah lebih baik dari jubah ini.
Judge for yourself or better yet, ask someone who’s more familiar regarding religious issues. Not me! Not me! Not me! Hehehe! :)
On how many seasons of Hikmah are there…
I’m sorry, I have to skip this question as I’ve never watch it or ever heard about it. But to kill your curiosity, according to a friend who works in Astro, Hikmah is currently in its second season. Hope that’ll satisfy your curiosity.
On why human are so vain…
There are 7 deadly sins and being vain is categorized under pride. It’s human nature and there’s nothing wrong about it but to be vain excessively will only invite annoyance and disgusted feeling from other party. With continuously being vain, one could defuse his or her sense of judgment. The key word here is not to over-doing it. Everything should be done moderately, especially boosting your own ego. :D But I know I’m very, very vain. Who cares? I certainly don’t! :p
On why Hajar’s phone is out or credit regularly…
One thing for certain, you’re not spending your credit on me! :) Anyway, there are many reasons to this question - your girlfriends, your families, your office and probably that certain someone you like who is not living in Malaysia. Hmmm… Was it Indonesia? :) To fix it temporarily, you can stick to texting only and add your favorite numbers to your Active 10 for Hotlink or 20 of your favorite numbers on the Celcom Blue prepaid. Xpax can only accommodate 8 numbers (which suck) but Digi offer 11 numbers and 2 of it could be numbers from either Celcom or Maxis! To save even more, stick to snail mail. Do you want my address? :p
Hmmm… I think that’s it. Hope you’re satisfied and I need to find some aspirins. Next time, I’ll ask you some questions but I have a feeling that you’re not gonna answer them. Oh well… :)
All questions were answered based on writer’s experience and quick research. These answers are not to be used for any academic references. Writer will not be held responsible for any contradictions which might occur.
Darn! I forget that I'm supposed to skip the House question. You can ignore it then.
sabar jer,1 hari jer nak weekend yay..sabtu ni saya nak gi terbang dgn paramotor,nak ikut?
terbang dgn paramotor? hehe..sori, paramotor tu aper?
i got wedding to attend sabtu ni..sori again.
newayz, njoy ur "terbang dgn paramotor" k.. ;)
wooooo! sumbody did an extra homewerk.. ;P
owhh... basically paramotors tu parachute with motor.. baru "flying without wings" :)..
pagi tadi sampai t'hari, i baru jer try game ni..tulah saya nampak awak kat kenduri tadi..:)
anyway kalau Hajar nak lagi jelas silalah singgah kat fs saya :).. you should try this giler!!
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