okay.. recap for a week:
got in the office quite early.. around 740am kot. straight did my work until petang. and it was 6 something that i've realised eventually there were less than 5 people were left in my department.. ape lagi, chow!
i dunno what was the specific reason for me being so mad early in the morning.. i mean i know why lar but i simply dunno how small things could easily get on my nerves really bad. maybe this week is the monthly closing week & i only have like 2 days to get everything done. partly jugak, maybe my instructions were not fully accomodated by my staff...so tu yg rase mcm nk baling barang je pagi tu.. i tried to compose myself & think positively that i can reach the dateline given. the whole day tu, i worked like there's no tomorrow coz byk lagi benda tak siap...haha..nk tergelak pun ade jugak. dalam sibok-sibok tuh, sempat lagi amik handphone which i've "unintentionally booked" last week. ngok ngek tak aku nih..huhu.. got back to the office to resume my undone business & had my break fast there. x de mood nak makan pun.............

my new gadget...hehe
here comes "D" day..
again, swiped in early today so i could finish everything & submit the account soonest so i thought. buat punyer buat until i called the general side to ask wether they have completed the production, wakalah, RI, so on & so forth la.. And the answer that i got instead of nearly completion, they have only received wakalah figures that morning.. giler ke aper! camne nk close ari ni.. celah mane nak kire production lagi, mane nak kire wakalah lagi.. adoi, sian k.ida. bln puasa lagi, mane la org nk balik lambat sgt.. so hari ni dateline ditangguhkan.. aku suke!
submitted my account.. it was neck-to-neck man between rushing for things to get done + bosses's queries bout the profit figure for Aug. fuh! penat cam nak pengsan...
sebelum pengsan, tibe-tibe rase macam nk makan kfc (my fren was like - "asal lar ko ni beriyer sgt nak makan kfc...???!!". which my answar was - "eeii suke aku lar nak ngidam ape pun..") so i left the office around 6 something hoping that cytot could get a place for us there lah... walaupun sebenarnya rase cam tak logic jer.. coz dia sendiri pun tak sampai lagi tempat tu by that time.. haha. dah la lambat, kedai plak penuh dgn manusia. in the midst of desperation tu, we ended up eating at San Francisco Steakhouse. tak de keje betul. nak buat camne, dah lambat kan.. halal je la.. tot, kawan ko tu betul ke pakai sweater bau j.lo gi ofis esoknyer??? haha..
today is the most relaxing day after a hectic schedule. dah la mata rasa macam ade hanger jer sangkut kat eyelids tuh..adoi... ngantuk giler.. x productive langsung.. keje belambak lagi, but i just cudnt give a damn... nak rehat plak..
the best part was, first time nih balik kul 430pm.. satu pencapaian yang HEBAT! even i was impressed of myself.. way to go gurl!
Wow! You write again! I'm so surprise. Thought you went into hiding and the best part - 3 entries in one update! Gosh!
Your schedule do sound hectic but better finish everything before the weekend come. Weekend must always be for non-office related activities!
Funny. I had cravings for KFC but everything is fine now - I had Shakey's fried chicken instead. Hmmm... I wonder if A&W's fried chicken still taste as good. :)
well mr fallen-from-a-tree, u did frighten me..haha. but that never stops me from doing my writing..
Wow! You discovered how to pronounce my name correctly! Kudos! Smart girl! Hmmmm... maybe I should obeserve you a little bit closer. Very, very interesting... :)
p/s: Don't stop writing! Consider me a fan! Maybe one day I should nudge you and ask for an autograph. That'll be swell! :)
u just kno how to pull girl's leg kan? patut la.. mmg betul2 penah jatuh pokok eh.. hihi..
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