this morning my boss's message made me wide awake... there are few figures which are not tallying with other fund's accounts.........uwwaaaaaa... i thought i did a thorough cross-check for the 3 accounts. but there are still stupid-overlooked-unmeticulous-careless mistakes.. adoi!! how could i be so sengal! at first i was quite in disbelief (ceh..konon boss la yg salah tengok files kan..), but after a brief "Q&A sessions" i had with miza, im pretty sure that aku la yg salah tengok tu!!!! tak tenteram sungguh weekend nih.
tak tenteram pun, sempat je menyinggah kat Jln TAR... hehe.
nak jadi kan cerita, k.lia's phone was missing.. so i told her.. "tertinggal kat umah kot.. tak pun terjatuh kat dlm keter ker"... "rilex-rilex"...
skali dh maghrib tu, pun tak jumpe-jumpe jugak... i gruntled underneath my breath, "ni macam boleh jadi my N80i potential buyer jer...hehe"..
anyhoo, my mind is still STUCKED with the foolish mistake which i supposedly got it perfect this time around. u... (u kno who u are la kan), could u pleeaaassssshhhh prescribe me meds for:
- mistake-free pills
- perfect-work pills
- alert-all-the-time pills
- superb-multi-tasked-human pills
fedex those meds to me k... thanx.. i owe u this once ;(
Sunday, September 14, 2008
pretty much a disturbed weekend.. yuck!
Posted by hajar kasri at Sunday, September 14, 2008
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Seriously u want those pills? Here are your prescription:
Mistake-free pills - RM250/pill. Take once daily, right after breakfast
Perfect-work pills - RM500/pill. Yeah, It's kinda pricey coz you'll be perfect in everything you do. Take once before you do anything. Chew and the effect will last longer
Alert-all-the-time pills RM50/pill. Take 3 times daily - breakfast, lunch dinner. Alternatively, you may skip this pill if someone bitch-slap you. Anyway, it doesn't work if you're taking menstrual at the same time. :)
Superb-multi-tasked-human pills - RM125/pill. Take whenever u feel the urge to do multi-tasking coz the effect only last max 4 hours and depends on the individu. In some cases, the effect may last for 2 1/2 hours but in some other cases, it can last up to 7 hours.
I hope that helps. By the way, all the pills mentioned above are on physician's prescription only.
uit minah...ko sengal ek???aku mls la nk comment byk2 ni...sbb aku bc x abis hahahaha
it was only a joke...ok. i dun need meds to do my work effciently..;p thx anyway.
Well.. it was a joke as well. If someone came up with such pills, I would've ordered pill number 1,2 & 4 immediately! :p
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