This first week of ramadhan has gotten myself caught up so busy in the office coz nak kejar balik awal...huhu.. dgn jejaka-jejaka yang non-stop smsing my phone yang macam hamlau tu hanya dengan SATU TUJUAN iaitu menganggu privasiku mintak diri mereka dibelanjakan...hhmm.. ni la orang laki zaman sekarang, baru mintak tolong skit dah macam-macam...
Jadi menjadi tanggungjawab saya untuk melindungi keselamatan kaum-kaum wanita yang lain, ni lah muke-muke criminal yang terlibat...
(alamak pix ilang plak time2 nak upload ni.. aaiissyy.. tak per, i try my level best to find & paste it here k.. hehe)
So in the end, break fast was held at Johnny's One Utama.. the place was full-housed for break fast reservation. thank God i did think of booking a table which i usually depended on other people to do it.. huhu.
At 6pm everybody was almost already there except for Angah yang tengah terkial-kial mengharungi jam.. (siannn..). 8 of us (2 out of the 8 terkecuali dari incident di Bandung yer... im not that bad lar not to mention this) were practically berebut-rebut to add to the cock talkings. Then azan maghrib jer, masing-masing diam seribu bahasa.. lapar sangat eh???! hahaha..
Pastu kan nak tau citer tak, ada la 2 orang hamba Allah yang buat style lapok gi tempat lain lepas makan.. takut kena chip in for the bill. rileks rr brader..paling pun bangla tu suruh u guys cuci periuk-periuk steamboat tu kat belakang.. kasi can rr.. boss dia kater boleh buat lepas terawikh.. k per, tak la zalim sangat. ade jugak konsep kemanusiaan kan...
Tak cukup dengan lakonan-lakonan tak menjadi 2 org tuh, abang passport kiter order ice cream yang sangat sedap.. tapi untuk diri dia je la. padan muke kena pau dgn "e-kay" (name dalam IC eh..ahaks) right after that.
Anyway, perhaps the treats were satisfying for all of you guys. Though the service was hhmm.. tak payah citer lah.. bulan puasa ni kan.. but the foods were kinda okay.. were'nt they? (ekram, again this one is excluding your nasi ayam bbq tu la.. illustration baeeekk punya, but the real one...eerrgghh!!! cannot forget la how u looked when the bangla waiter asked whose order was it. your face shows "ni saper la order nasi ruper tak sedap ni??? hai.. tak pandai pilih makanan tul.." last-last sendiri nyer order... adoi!!! ;p).
Apa-apa pun, I guess we have finally done our part 'aite? Yay!!! cytot, k.yati & angah, kiter dah merdeka!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
hutang kire langsai rr!!!
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Oooo... Johny's! You should have invited me but I guess this threat is to quiet down those guys huh? I was craving for Cinnabon's nutty rolls and 1 Utama provide 2 Cinnabon outlets. Anyway, it's just another reason for them to hang out again with you guys and if they don't take their chances or play their card right, I don't think they'll leave a lasting impression to any of you girls. Hehehe... Phew... Courting sessions are always tiring. Hahaha! The sound of it, none of you guys ordered Johny's world famous chicken wings. You should! Next time then. The thing I hate about Johny's 1 Utama is the Bangla waiters. 2 of them are so smelly. I once walk off and didn't pay my bill coz their "BO" was a turn off! Hope they've fixed it. Have they?
three words. OH MY GOD! ive just posted this writing like an hour ago & now im reading your comment? pheww! dun scare me lar...hahaha
Hahaha! Dont worry. I'm cyber-stalking you. I'm wide awake and other than browsing thru ebay and downloading some movies, your blog is always a pit stop. Obviously, you're wide awake too! Nak ice cream? :)
yeay! yeay! merdeka!!!
erk! ko ade stalker ke jar?
isk.. takoooootnyeee.. huhu
ice cream Tu mmg Sedap.....hehehehe
Rugi u x rasa time tu...huhuhu
hai en anonymous kiter nih.. ni je yg u comment... yg byk2 mknan g pelahap tu, x nk comment ke?? hhmmpphh..
aku sbnrnye nk comment tp aku dok baca comment org jer..mmmm misterinye...ko nyer blog is always a pit stop???perrgghhhh dasyat2..moral of da story ko x pyhla nk post blog ko lg...jgn biarkan diri anda diselubungi dgn misteri...huahuahua
minah yang always SENGAL....
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