Ati rang my phone on tuesday noon inviting yus, miza & i to break fast together somewhere in KL after work on wednesday (which minah tu sorang je yg keje sbb ofis kat KL..huhu). At first I disagreed & suggesting to postpone the gathering to next week, coz by that time, poket masing-masing dah “reload”.. The datin standing stubbornly by her decision – nak jugak jumpe esok. Dah la tu nak orang jemput dari ofis, balik nak dihantar ke depan pintu rumah lak… eeeiiii, mengado la kau. Keter ade tak nak bawak. Orang tak layan request dia, main paksa-paksa lak.. nasib la kau ni bkn adik aku, kalo tak, ade jugak yang kena pelempang keramat langit ketujuh ni karang… haha..
To cut the story short, around 5.30pm everybody was already at Nelayan Restaurant, Titiwangsa (miza’s BRILLIANT idea. sangat la kan…) except for that datin again. She had to passed numbers of trains before enabled herself just to get in and by that time it was already 6.40pm kot.. pity her..
While miza had to pick up our dear datin at the train station, me & yus were damn busy filling our plates with all the deliciously tempting cuisines - prawns, fish, squids, fish balls, crab balls, squid rolls, baby crabs, wantans & many more for our steamboat dishes. Came to the nasi part, segala apa yang ada atas meja tu semua kitaorg rembat. Too tempted to even pass a single lauk, desserts + not forgetting the lai chi kang drinks..
Meja kitaorg dah penuh giler dengan pinggan segala.. adoi! We were kinda blushing as the guys who were seated next to our table did a mocking smile looking at how full our table was. Could u just imagine how greedy we were when the steampot was TOO FULL for us to put all the seafoods in. There were like 2 more plates left to be put in the pot. To the extend that I just felt so shameless to offer the next table our seafoods & put those in their pot…hahahaha.. muke seposen tul!
Just nice after the azan maghrib, miza & ati arrived at our table. Belum duduk mulut masing-masing becok macam &*%^$@# ayam..
Miza got so furious about the drinks. She actually had to pay for our drinks which makes me terlopong gak la bile dgr tuh..
“aku hangin tul ade ke aku kena bayar for these juices??!!”
“ 3 hengget per drink lak tu..”
“kater buffet”
“Ntah ape-ape ntah!” … as miza was complaining.
Aku pun macam kehairanan..
“kena bayar babe?”
“lar… setakat air jus sempoi cenggini aku tutup mata leh buat!”
“ha..korang tau, ade ke dah tau orang ramai-ramai ni, diaorg boleh tak prepare sambal
lebih utk seafood nih????”
“bile aku tanya ada sambal lebih tak, rilek je mamat keje situ jawab…. ah, dah habis la
“cam mangkok tak!!!”.. my turn to comment.
“eh diam lar..pening kepala aku!”
“makan je la dulu, pastu baru bebel”…
“ha! ni sape yang amik makanan mcm tak hengat dunia ni??”
Yus plak..
“uiissyy, ni hajar la ni!”
“pantang nampak orang amik tu amik ni, dia pun sibok la nak amik gak…”
Me replied..
”ak enna minah ni.. “
“tadi mase amik ko pun 5x10 gak!”
“aku ni bkn aper.. pikir nak amik utk korang la… tapi naik sheikh plak mase tu..hehe”
Miza non stop tersengih-sengih as usual.. trademark la katerkan..
Sambil-sambil tu complain lagi..
“patut la aku panas giler.. kipas ni tak on!”
“aku rase muke aku dah steamed giler nih..haha”
“patut la.. steampot tu mmg kat sebelah kau”
“tapi bagus tu ti... pori-pori muka akan terbuka dgn jayanya.. balik nanti tak yah cuci muke tu eh!”
“sure mak kau tanya nnti..”
“ti, asal la muke kau ni macam ade bau ala-ala udang keketaman sket..???” haha
Dan macam-macam lagi la topic demi topic, persoalan bodoh demi persoalan bodoh, jawapan sengal demi jawapan sengal, komen yang tak sudah-sudah, umpatan demi umpatan (dah buka puasa kan..selamber la), lawak demi lawak & pelbagai lagi la yang sempat kami berempat hujahkan didalam forum cum bukak puasa tu.. macam nak pecah perut gelak.. I was actually having flu, bit dizzy and a mild cough, but despite of being unwell, this occasion makes me enjoyed myself so much that I was kinda forgot bout the fever.
To cut the story short, around 5.30pm everybody was already at Nelayan Restaurant, Titiwangsa (miza’s BRILLIANT idea. sangat la kan…) except for that datin again. She had to passed numbers of trains before enabled herself just to get in and by that time it was already 6.40pm kot.. pity her..
While miza had to pick up our dear datin at the train station, me & yus were damn busy filling our plates with all the deliciously tempting cuisines - prawns, fish, squids, fish balls, crab balls, squid rolls, baby crabs, wantans & many more for our steamboat dishes. Came to the nasi part, segala apa yang ada atas meja tu semua kitaorg rembat. Too tempted to even pass a single lauk, desserts + not forgetting the lai chi kang drinks..
Meja kitaorg dah penuh giler dengan pinggan segala.. adoi! We were kinda blushing as the guys who were seated next to our table did a mocking smile looking at how full our table was. Could u just imagine how greedy we were when the steampot was TOO FULL for us to put all the seafoods in. There were like 2 more plates left to be put in the pot. To the extend that I just felt so shameless to offer the next table our seafoods & put those in their pot…hahahaha.. muke seposen tul!
Just nice after the azan maghrib, miza & ati arrived at our table. Belum duduk mulut masing-masing becok macam &*%^$@# ayam..
Miza got so furious about the drinks. She actually had to pay for our drinks which makes me terlopong gak la bile dgr tuh..
“aku hangin tul ade ke aku kena bayar for these juices??!!”
“ 3 hengget per drink lak tu..”
“kater buffet”
“Ntah ape-ape ntah!” … as miza was complaining.
Aku pun macam kehairanan..
“kena bayar babe?”
“lar… setakat air jus sempoi cenggini aku tutup mata leh buat!”
“ha..korang tau, ade ke dah tau orang ramai-ramai ni, diaorg boleh tak prepare sambal
lebih utk seafood nih????”
“bile aku tanya ada sambal lebih tak, rilek je mamat keje situ jawab…. ah, dah habis la
“cam mangkok tak!!!”.. my turn to comment.
“eh diam lar..pening kepala aku!”
“makan je la dulu, pastu baru bebel”…
“ha! ni sape yang amik makanan mcm tak hengat dunia ni??”
Yus plak..
“uiissyy, ni hajar la ni!”
“pantang nampak orang amik tu amik ni, dia pun sibok la nak amik gak…”
Me replied..
”ak enna minah ni.. “
“tadi mase amik ko pun 5x10 gak!”
“aku ni bkn aper.. pikir nak amik utk korang la… tapi naik sheikh plak mase tu..hehe”
Miza non stop tersengih-sengih as usual.. trademark la katerkan..
Sambil-sambil tu complain lagi..
“patut la aku panas giler.. kipas ni tak on!”
“aku rase muke aku dah steamed giler nih..haha”
“patut la.. steampot tu mmg kat sebelah kau”
“tapi bagus tu ti... pori-pori muka akan terbuka dgn jayanya.. balik nanti tak yah cuci muke tu eh!”
“sure mak kau tanya nnti..”
“ti, asal la muke kau ni macam ade bau ala-ala udang keketaman sket..???” haha
Dan macam-macam lagi la topic demi topic, persoalan bodoh demi persoalan bodoh, jawapan sengal demi jawapan sengal, komen yang tak sudah-sudah, umpatan demi umpatan (dah buka puasa kan..selamber la), lawak demi lawak & pelbagai lagi la yang sempat kami berempat hujahkan didalam forum cum bukak puasa tu.. macam nak pecah perut gelak.. I was actually having flu, bit dizzy and a mild cough, but despite of being unwell, this occasion makes me enjoyed myself so much that I was kinda forgot bout the fever.

jap.. ni meja kiter ke? mcm tak jer.....hhmmmm...
After we had done our diet screwing, self-forcing & mind-focusing just to finish “things” on the table, endless forums, so on & so forth, we decided to chow before its getting too late there.. haha.
Girls, til our next gathering.! Mase tu masing-masing dah kawin kot…huhu.. Me??? Hhmmm??????????????? (big & endless question marks...)

You thinking of marriage? Hmmm... DOn't! Not yet! Give yourself another 1 - 2 years! :) And hopefully when that time come, u can manage your already ok figure at the moment. A litte bit smaller or bigger, you'll have to plan your diet again but luckily food consumption doesn't effect that sexily yummy eyes of yours! :)
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