cytoooooooooottttttttttttttt, guess what i troubled myself to spend my dah-nak-kering-poket td?? !!
lepas kau sempat rembat kasut tu, aku mule rase tak puas hati nih. start rr mater aku melilau to find one for me too.. akhirnyer jumpe jugek.. i simply dun care, kering mak ring... tak de baju raya, dapat beg raya pun jadi la kan?? :D
doesnt matter lar dah ade LV ke tak der.. or else i would end up finding myself being not able to sleep coz my mind all messed up with the epitome of the substance.. oooohhh bag, u are so worth my every pennies! at least tonight and the nights after i can sleep soundly... ;@
Yg menjadi pujaan aku not long until just now.. LV la sangat...................
Check this one out babe! hehe... simple yet enuff to quench my thirst to have something so i wont get myself jealous looking at other people's nice outfits to melaram on this hari raya.. Does she looks lovely...mmuuaahh! (habeh duit aku sial!)

The white bag is gorgeous but I dunno why but there's something wrong with the design. Is it a real LV? Ah! Who cares coz it very nice. The black bag is rather normal to me. Oh well, it's only my 2 cents. As long as you can make it look wonderful. As Calvin Klein once said, it's not the clothes that compliment a person, it's the person who'll compliment the clothes. The bag should thank you! :)
A quick questions - What the different between lara_amani & hajar_kamsir? Both are in blogspot and both are identical. Is it linked? Hmmm.. I'll just bookmark both. Who is Lara Amani? A character in a book or your alter-ego? :) Or is that one of your niece's name or would that be your daughter's name if u decided to have one? :)
hah! adakah aku yg menjadi penyebab semua ini??! haha! tp mmg cantik la beb.. both bags are gorgeous.. u really have damn good taste my dear
thank yousssssssssssssss.......
waalllaaawey....dasyat r beg raya ko nih minah...especially da white kaler..mmg cun beb.siap amik gmbr posing'n bag tu kat tmpt 'high class'...tu mnunjukkan bag tu dtg dr jauh wooo...:-)
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