I hardly recognised Abg Mie's face when we paid him a visit a week before his final farewell. He was bedded in a single room under the Intensive Care Unit where nurse presence is a must to be monitoring the ECG rate and all at every second passes by. He somehow looked smaller in the green hospital clothe wrapping around the body than i used to know him. His head was fully covered but according to our friend, apparently the chemos that he had undergone twice were causing him great hair loss. I was almost in tears looking at all the wires being sticked on to his chest, hands, the urine tube plus another one which had been inserted through the mouth for liquid foods or medication, i guess (fyi, he has been hospitalised for nearly 3 months so presumably his nerves fit for these purposes have all 'used').
I have to admit, yes we were aware of his very-critical condition. Of course i could see it right in front of my eyes of how ill-looking he was after being put under the coma state. His families and friends have been alarmed on the almost-zero-chance and were advised to prepare for any outcome and contingency which has the possibility to incur along the way. All his doctors (3 specialists to be specific) dare not to put any word on his life. The percentage of oxygen gases were keep narrowing in the blood vessels which forcing him to face some serious breathing difficulties. Due to the reason, he was totally supported by a respirator.

arwah before he got coma later on the same day. beside him is Sonny (close friend)
Nevertheless the shocking news has its impact until the time im writing this entry. I could still recall the poignant moment. It was a normal tuesday morning and i was rushing on the stairways to swipe off my office card and coincidentally i bumped into K.Yati. She looked at me and slowly gushed the words out. Simple and straight to the point - "Ja, Mie dah tak de.....".
Ya Allah. Innalillahiwaiinailaihirajiun. My jaw dropped. My heart stopped beating as if the clock has halted its clicking. I cant believe my ears nor what i've just heard. Felt blur. My usual-hyper-talkative-mouth totally shut and was remained silence until i was able to convince myself that this is real. In my head, there was only 1 thing i could ever think of - how the wife & their little daughter (whose reaching 2 years old) are doing... I can only pray for Allah to grant them patients as big as mountain, calmness as compose as water and strength as brawny as metal; to endure this huge loss.
Last but not least, a tribute to Ahmad Syuzaimi Alham @ Abg Mie @ Mimie,
....our short friendship but its worthwhile
....continued to be patient to stay right behind me when i was having some stupid shoe problem while going down from dabong.
....not to mention your non-stop motivation - "tak per jar. tak per. kitaorang ade. ikut jer pace awak k. jangan rushing rushing".
....helping us to ensure hikerz tdo mlm tak berlapar (i cud easily recall that moment).
....lending your ears for our problems.
....reaching out your hands to us.
....being manusia yang tak kedekut ilmu langsung.
....being such a patient & cool mate.
They said, "Only the goods die young". Allah lebih menyayangi dia dari kita semua. Al Fatihah.
Mati itu adalah pasti. Hidup Insya Allah...Bagi kita yang ditinggalkan ni,muhasabahkan diri, tingkatkan iman & taqwa selagi Allah izinkan kita bernafas di dunia ni,semoga ada 'bekalan' kita bawa menghadapNya kelak.
Thanks Hajar for sharing this. Will get the others to read as well. Satu kehilangan besar kepada geng trekkers...Geng Jahat Adventure Team. Personally arwah antara sahabat yang penyabar, pendengar setia, good husband and bapa yang penyayang, my advisor, partner 'bertekak' ,'bergaduh'. Bukan setakat hal2 gunung,outdoor aktiviti....huh tak tertulis kenangan bersama arwah.... At this moment,terasa ada lagi yang nak bercerita & berkongsi dgn arwah. Miss him a lot...Al Fatihah..
Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...
u r rite.
Sesungguhnya Allah itu sang Maha Mengetahui.
And i totally understood how distraught u r eventho u've tried to hide the emotions away from not being seen by people. kalau sy yg tak brp rapat dgn arwah terasa kehilangan dia, apatah lg akak yg mmg se'geng jahat' dgn dia.
Sama2 kita hadiahkan Yassin secara isitqamah buat orang2 yang kita sayangi yang telah pergi dulu dari kita.
innalillah hi wainna ilaihiraji'un...
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