Today, everybody seems restless. Its no more like the March tsunami but its more to a catastrophe. Just because of few frogs have jumped from 1 party to another, a state has been in such a havoc that the current kerajaan becoming the pembangkang and vice versa. I could see different kind of responses, articulates, feedbacks & so on. At the office, my bosses just couldn’t resist from getting updates on any news of the political turmoil in Perak at every single second passed by. They even had small ‘meetings’ among themselves. Geram je aku tgk diaorang syok borak. Undeniably this issue draws countless attentions plus the concerns from all races, religions, young & old, etc. Dipendekkan – all the Malaysians la ok.
Back at home, it was mak pulak who eventually non-stopped talking about this. The TV, the radio, the internet (of course!!) are all zooming on this absurd crisis which has taken place throughout this week and TODAY is at its peak. In fact an infamous veteran blogger has written on his blog that “Today the Malaysian politics is at its dirtiest!”. So true.
How could a country which practising a democracy as its common base defying a snap election in this kind of situation? This is equivalent to a total mockery of law and constituency of Malaysia! I still do not see the concrete reason why the Sultan is calling off an election when he as the orang istana claims that anybody who would go against the ‘complicated’ procedure is called DERHAKA. But at the same time, abusing or mortifying (i must say) the rights of the Perak citizen is okay? Whatsoever the hidden political agenda that lies beyond this catastrophe is, in my dictionary this action better known as HIPOCRISY. A shocking order coming from an ex-chief judge. Phewww!!
Stop selling the bullshits and exploiting news that the people are already satisfied with the government transition... putting armed police & FRU at the state building (part of the reason takut ade rusuhan)... bla bla bla bla. Adei! those are soooo lame.
I don’t care which sides the people or even the orang-orang istana are siding with, but just be fair and put the decision on the rakyat’s hands! Simply because DEMOCRACY MEANS THE PUBLIC CHOICE. Do not ‘israelized’ our rights. The answer neither to be from the istana nor the PM with its cabinet, but it should be coming from the people as nothing can guarantee the party crossover syndrome would end.
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
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