Saturday, July 18, 2009

im back !!!

hi everybody.... im back! hihi.

finally.... felt more relieved now.

sumtimes u just have to keep low & silent from getting yourself more drown into a deep shit...

so i learnt something now. when u are really mad or freaking angry towards sumthing, just shut up & think. istighfar banyak banyak... dun be too impatient to react or say anything coz the highest possible outcomes would be negative, definetely with fool remarks resulting from our uncontrollable madness. lagi parah jadi nyer kan.....

so sabar tu sangat penting..

dun worry, Allah kan ade... :)


Ibu Ayra said...

rindunya hasil tulis tgn cik hajar...

hajar kasri said...

waduhhh...terima kasih k.long. ;)

hajar kasri said...

nak lari dari org tak baik ni, impossible kot. tp yg kita boleh buat, jgn kita jadi tak baik macam dia.

kalau 'org' tu rase unwelcomed, im sorry but u are.