Last weekend Abg Bis was looking for his pictures during his trip to mane ntah. During the searching, he found several mak’s & ayah’s albums which contained pictures from their college years, to the dating interlude, to the nuptials and to when the Kasri’s generation started grew bigger. Without any hesitance, I ran to join him. Jap lepas tu, everybody was there…:D
I’m weirdly wondering how I didn’t know the existence of these pictures. Ade yang dah penah tengok, but most of them belum! I was caught between surprise and exhilaration. Both because I had to see how both of them found each other’s love, romantically involved, mak’s fashion sense (damn she was one &*% of a sexy lady!! *double wink*) during the retro years, rambut style VB okay!, how ayah held mak in his arm during their dancing nite, ayah painted himself to look like a zombie for one of their sketches (seriously macam rupe Labi mase nyanyi lagu ‘Aci Aci Buka Pintu’ in the P.Ramlee’s classic ‘Nasib Si Labu Labi), how mak can simply did a model-like pose while holding “an umbrella” (sangat hindustan okay!) on a beach sand (its amazing how the payung by any chance was happened to be just at the right time & place…hhmmm?? Suda preplanned ka?), K.Ti looking literally blur when she was surrounded with a huge doll and other toys during her first birthday party (perhaps she didn’t realised it at all), K.Ti, K.Da & Abg Pa during their hey-days plus countless of memorable and other “impressive” pictures lagi la...ahaks.

I just cudn’t stop laughing that I called K.Ti to share this with her. She was about to sleep before I rang her, but hearing to my excitement, both of us burst into big laughs. My ears cud hear as she was explaining to Abg Jijan, “they all ni tengah tengok album dolu-dolu…pastu gelakkan i..haha”.
I luv this moment. Full of funs! It resembles our close-knit. I must say that I am proud to be the daughter to Kasri and Ishah, little sister to Aswati, Ida, Papa and Lubis, in-law to Azizan, Rita and Azreen, auntie to Anwar, Nadia, Amir, Amin, Alysa, Iman, Akif, Umair, Shuhaib, Khadijah and baby Maryam.
These are the people that meant everything to me (besides relatives and friends, of course!). You are my air to breath, my soul to live, my strength to strive.
To ayah, I miss u. Really do.
May I take this opportunity to seek all moslem readers of lara_amani to recite Al-Fatihah for my late dad – Hj Kasri Ibrahim. Thank you and may Allah taala blesses u with your thoughts and kindness ;)
itulah memang syok tgk gmbr dulu kalakan...
teringat masa ayah ngah masih ada dulu...
erm ye r k.long
wlaupom saat dn ketika itu
diri ini masih lagi ank2 kecil.
mak nak tanya dah jumpa abg jamalkah? daging n tumis ok tak? oh mak lupa na kirim ikan bilis aritu nanti kirim kat papa ok. oh ya, ubat gigi yg dlm bag tu papa kirim untuk rita. nanti mak kirim najwa kat ida..
oo mak....
aja suh komen psl citer ni la. bkn pesan psl barang2 kat k.da..
tak sesuai lgsg..
uwwaaaaaaa..!!! ;(
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