Entry kali ni bukanlah tujuan untuk condemn dan mengaibkan sesiapa. Its more into questioning the so called Malaysians’ all-time slogan ‘Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita’ that has becoming unreflective and lack of its value from being embedded in our daily lives practicalities. Who to blame? Is it the slogan or the people? After diagnosing the cause, what’s next? Change the slogan? Or transform and educate the sickening human behavioural?
From the above, my brain initialized the signals to my hand which triggered me to write about this. It started of when my fren went to this wedding. I don’t want to mention the bride’s name & her family here as everybody might be knowing her celebrity sister. These couples were actually our juniors in high school and the groom is also a neighbour to my fren. Aku pun tak tau depa ni dok bercouple since skolah lagi & apparently they were destined to be together until now, Alhamdulillah.
Despite all the glamorous fancy mincy wedding gowns (or suits I must say) plus the whole set ups which blend along with its indonesian touches as that was the main theme for their wedding, still my interest was not belongs to it.
Well it belongs to the groom’s family. Particularly on his ‘pilot’ dad. I suppose its becoming our custom in every wedding to have marhaban or Quran reciting or at least a simple doa before the event officially starts. And this one was not excluded for having a front slot for it. The event started off really well and like any other wedding, there will be someone or maybe more who representing any sides of the groom’s or bride’s families, just to crack laughter with jokes, delivering nice & touching speech to the newly wedded couple, lovely slide shows or maybe some cool musical performances. All of these ‘colors’ are definitely needed to enlighten the wedding atmosphere so nobody will leave the place unexpectantly…huhu..
But in accomplishing it, there’s always a line to limit yourself from getting too ‘far’ and going out of the place even though it’s a tiny one. Unlike what happened, the groom’s father was actually had so much fun of entertaining people with countless of dirty jokes (which my fren cakap nak gelak pun cam tak kuasa nyer hai!..) that really left everyone with wide eyes opened and of course…disbelieves! It goes something like these:-
“Oh u know xxxxxxxx, im a pilot & so does my son. And lemme tell u something here, to please a pilot’s heart, u will just have to do it thru his stomach…or maybe ‘below’ the stomach!”…pastu gelak ha hu ha hu ha hu ha… tak per ni lepak lagi. Then he continued with more obvious ones - “U know xxxx likes to play football…and also basketball…or maybe any sports involving balls but it might be smaller in size like a uh oh...golf ball?” And these idiot jokes have taken place for 15 minutes or more.
Pastu dengan tibe-tibenyer he changes the topic to – Gen 2.
“Well, pilot is usually picky when it comes to driving cars. Thrills and excitements being felt when our hands are steering well-manoeuvred engines just like how we handle the craft. Bla bla bla bla… However, sometimes we just have to use our Malaysia-made car, u know like the Gen 2. Gen 2 is good”. Pastu ha hua ha hua hiha lagi..
Soon the emcee took over the stage, he was some sort like ‘helping’ to explain, “Untuk pengetahuan anda semua, Gen 2 yang dimaksudkan tadi ialah Janda Anak 2".
Rite! WTF?? Upon hearing the story, I was like… Aper cer la pakcik ni…?? Mabok ko apo? What was his motive in the first place? What he was actually trying to do? Giler tak lawak langsung dowh! I asked my fren, “Abih kau gelak jugak? How did xxxxxxxx reacts to it?”
My fren jawab, “mule-mule tu aku cam senyum jer la coz the family members were standing near me, so kena cover sket. Lama-lama tu sangat menyampah lar! Aku tak tengok sangat kat pengatin coz aku duduk membelakangkan stage. I mean u have to behave accordingly la kan.. kita ni orang islam. I know him. His families are ok. Tak la plak aku sangka dia leh wat cenggini on his own son’s wedding. Aku yang malu tau tak jar…”
Aku setuju - “Exactly! Ape? By doing that, it shows how liberal he is, is that it? Fine, most of your families are pilot. But seriously, SO WHAT?! Which part of it that has got to do with contaminating the pureness of a nuptial? For God sake, father si xxxxxxx tu dah la orang alim, family dia baik-baik. Even though u felt shamelessly nothing & totally out of guilt with what u did, at least just have some respects to your new extended family as in your OWN BESAN and the rest of the invitees la ok.
Being funny is undeniably likeable and most people enjoy it very much. It looses the tense in the air. And to insert dirty jokes in between your speech is also acceptable in formal events like wedding but do it in a subtle & well-mannered way lar.
FYI, the same thing had happened on his eldest son’s wedding. A well-planned powerpoint slides were being played. Guess what was the joke? Have you all heard or read anywhere about a story of 3 daughters whom got married & the father would ask them every week how their hubbys are like. And each of them will give a simple answer that explains everything. Well the simplest would be a tagline la kan. The first 2 sisters gave taglines for Celcom & ape ntah...(sori, luper). When came the youngest one’s turn, she said, Kini, setiap hari, 7 kali seminggu – MAS’s tagline! Lelucon macam ni memang la takde menda sangat bile BACA SORANG-SORANG, but certainly not a wedding teaser! Memang sengaja nak jadi bahan la dey all ni..
I like my fren’s sis nyer statement, “I cant wait for the next wedding!” kui kui kui kui....;p
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Aku semakin terus akui usia tidak semestinya menunjukkan kematangan.
Posted by hajar kasri at Saturday, April 25, 2009
Labels: event, inappropriate, weddings
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Kita tidak cukup umur untuk belajar semuanya dengan sendiri... tapi belajarlah dari pengalaman dan kegagalan orang lain kerana itu akan mematang dan mendewasakan kita... (huhuhu betul ke apa yang aku type nie...)
Kita tidak cukup umur untuk belajar semuanya dengan sendiri... tapi belajarlah dari pengalaman dan kegagalan orang lain kerana itu akan mematang dan mendewasakan kita... (huhuhu betul ke apa yang aku type nie...)
Memang senang untuk meng'kondem'kan orang lain sedangkan apa yang harus dibuat dalam konteks ini ialah untukm muhassabah diri dan menilai kelemahan diri kita sendiri. Mengapa berlakon alim demi menjaga hati keluarga dan menonjolkan diri dalam masyarakat sekeliling sedangkan hakikatnya hidup sendiri penuh bergelumang dengan dosa dan egoistic attitude. Wallahualam, semoga kebenaran luar dalam akan terbongkar tidak lama lagi..
salam anonymous (i assume u r muslim s u had mentioned wallahu'alam in ur comment)...
first of all, i think u've missed the point in this entry. wut lara_amani tried to say was dat there are many ways to express urself or to create jokes especially in front of the public. and in this case, inappropriate jokes were intentionally created in such an event.
hence, there were NO issues of "Mengapa berlakon alim demi menjaga hati keluarga dan menonjolkan diri dalam masyarakat sekeliling sedangkan hakikatnya hidup sendiri penuh bergelumang dengan dosa dan egoistic attitude" at all. pls dun introvert urself & being too 'narrow'.
i totally agreed with u with muhasabah diri & trying to look within ourselves(which must b done continously). however, without implementations it doesnt bring any meaning. we must turn back to the right path whenever we've strayed and dats what u call TAUBAT. dun simply take taubat as "berlakon alim".
Allah taala wants us to repent no matter how big or small our sins are. so wut we shud do is to encourage among us to be better. not to pray for "semoga kebenaran luar dalam akan terbongkar tidak lama lagi..".
semoga kita semua sentiasa mendpt hidayah & dilindungi oleh Allah taala dari perkara yang tidak baik. amin.
-hamba Allah a.k.a. blog moderator-
to Hamba Allah,
thx dear...u kno me best.
*hhmm...sumone has feeling unsatisfied here. personal issues ker ni? ouch!
i dont like pilot.....
hehe...patut la.k.ina kawin ngan engineer..huhu.
ari tu dpt jumpe ngan alysa & kakak dia (sori, lupe nama) ms abg joni dtg umah bahi. my god! i didnt recognize them. they've grown up a lot...;D hepi sgt dpt jumpe ur kids..bile nk dtg sini k.ina? miss u la..
WOW!!! Nice Post!Kind Regards
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