Thanks to the news malam ni menyebabkan aku yang agak tengah kering idea nak tulis ape sekarang, makes me wanna write something. Really tak tahan ok!
Its about ANOTHER bloody pathetic anomaly dat happens to a certain degree of people. Absurd!!
Who are u saiful? What do u want in life? What are your priorities? How do u interpret IMAN & ISLAM in your very own perspective?
All u have to do is gi la abis belajar dulu. Kater gi jumpe menteri psl nak apply scholarship. Skrg buat ape? Cari publicity naik turun court, asserting someone’s indecency, “swearing”, buat statement kat PC and everything??? Gossh! what a hassle that u are involving yourself with, which in the end u are the one to be shamed of! And please tak payah nak mention name university yang kau sendiri pun tak habis blajar, buat malu universiti kitaorg jer. MPP?? Pperrgghh! hoi, I got MPP frens & ive never seen any junior MPP like u.. certainly not qualified at all. Manifesto ape ko nak ckp? So not braniac! Tak de charisma langsung! Please, wise people wont easily be bought with your words ok. And aku pun tak tau la bile mase hamlau mcm kau ni sempat plak sekolah kat sekolah menengah aku..adoi! btw, I wonder what did u actually score for your spm rr?? Hahaha.. Lu betul betul ting tong la mat!
Wrongdoings are normal. But there’s always a turning point after u realized the harm dat u did. C’mmon, we are adult enuff to gauge between rights & wrongs. So far what u have achieved is basically nothing but people’s lost of respect. And wait, u think u are “that” cute to sell off your face? Im really sorry but u don’t. Berlambak lagi orang kat luar tu who has outstanding looks but their dignity comes first. U instead became our laughing stock.
Kno wut, it would really make my day IF u were to bump into this blog, read this entry and leave a comment on it. I want to see your answer & what actually u are fighting for. I want to know how do u use one of the greatest anatomies that Allah rewards us with – BRAIN. I also damn curious about the wavelength of how u think?? Hhmmm? Something that is “ponderless” kot…adei! Seriously, I pity u. U really have to educate yourself. Education (cultivated with Iman) that makes a moslem outstanding than others.
Since I HAVE to consider u as a moslem brother, u should know better that money isn’t everything. Tok leh bawak masuk kubur pun bang. Dosa memfitnah tu lebih hebat balasannya dari dosa membunuh orang. In the real world, the consequences of accusing another human being baselessly would cost the community to depart & fall.
Tolong la takut dengan balasan Allah wahai saudara. Kalau Allah tak balas cash, He would creditly repay us in the hereafter. So conclusion, dua-dua pun mengerikan. Don’t u think so?
“Dunia mempunyai daya penarik yang kuat kerana Allah SWT telah menjadikannya berkeadaan demikian untuk menguji manusia siapakah yang dapat menguasai hawa nafsunya dan dapat menjalani kehidupan di dunia menurut jalan yang diredhai Allah. Oleh itu Rasulullah SAW menuntut kita supaya memelihara dan mengawal diri daripada diruntun oleh kemanisan dan keindahan dunia dengan menambahkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah sambil mengingati bahawa segala yang ada di dunia hanyalah sementara sahaja berbanding dengan segala nikmat di akhirat yang kekal abadi.”
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
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