The happiest day for our dearest Sarah & Ilyas started FROM ........................
The weekend getaway @ monterez. Thanks to Ima the queen who was the one who initiated the whole idea, the place, the dishes, the music (adei..............), and of course not to forget, the theme - "Santai Glamour" ...wooohooo!! Thanks to Yas & Hisham who patiently bbq-ed the yummilicious udang, ayam, sotong & segala galanya lah. Thanks to Ruz who CAME LATE with his MJ bling bling style (aku just requote jer aper ima cakap okay...) & not to forget the time when u actually shouted about ima's pants (gelak guling wa cakap lu....!!!). Thanks to Sarah who came up with a brilliant game...haha! Last but not least mesti la Shima & I. Tanpa we all, semua ni tiada makna kan...hhmmm..i know. ;p

Sarah's reception being held at Civic MPPJ Hall on 070809. nice date huh!

psstt....Sar. Yas gile bola. Make sure boleh dapat 11 orang tau. Kasi ganti squad kebangsaan tu. MAJULAH SARAH UNTUK SUKAN! yeah..!!!
bestnye majlis dier.. hehe was such a nice & sweet event :)
tp bdk2 ni g comment kat fb, bkn kat sini. sbr je la aku kan..hhmm
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