Yup. 9.30 was the time I clocked in today. I was 1 hour late to work. The moment I opened my eyes I heard mom was knocking on my door & asked me “tak keje ke hari ni?”. And I was like “ya Allah…keje! Im late!”. Sms my boss jap telling her that I’ll be late coz tak sedar langsung and apologized for that.
Masuk ofis, check with Yanti ade orang carik tak – takde – GOOD! Check any urgent emails, sempat bukak yang work related ones jer. Baru nak bukak email yang noti-noti & kinky-kinky, banyak plak benda-benda lain mengacau. They all ni tau-tau je bile aku ade kat tempat tau. Nyampahss…….

Even though it sounds ‘biar betik! baiknyer ko nak tolong buat semua ni…leceh jer, dah la keje tengah banyak tuh”, but that was when Allah taala gave me something in return. Kepala aku sket je lagi nak terhantuk dengan palang besi mase tengah jalan ke loading bay tu, Alhamdulillah sebagai asbab, aku sempat mengelak. Yanti was more than willing to help me from unloading to delivering the drinks (padahal dia tak order langsung tapi siap enjoy hepi hepi lagi..eheh). Kakak yang jual tu plak teramat la sportingnyer (K.Ila nama dia) and those who had no idea WTH all these vitagens were doing there, non-stop asking & pushing us to sell to them (ni kakak tu la yang best kan..aku tukang tolong je la..).
Hhmmmm….mungkin setengah orang yang baca ni mungkin akan fikir – “tak de kena mengena pun!”. Its ok. But this was what I realized. My mom always taught me to relate between things that had happened/aftermath with what may cause it to happen. It’s a reciprocating concept. The simple idiom is better known as a blessing in disguise. Believing it, teaches me to be more relax & somehow more grateful.

House: C’mmon! U need to give me a phone call. Im a doctor. When sumone is calling u up to 3 times, it shows somebody is dying. So which one u think is more important?? (faking it!)
Police: huh! isn’t there any better doctor to do that for u…? (sounded cynically)
House: u’ll be surprise to know it!!
Hahhahaha!!!! My all time fave la… cudnt live without it. Im House-addicted! ;D
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