gosh! its been awhile man! so many things to write but tibe-tibe otak jadi blank sebab tak tau yang mane satu nak di tulis dulu.
i should start from the gaza war which had been going on when there was a time that i didnt see the end of the genocides, until now the israeli laknatullah had cease their fire on the gaza strip, to the widely boycotting issue of US products campaign, to me & mom when we had been attending few solidarities on the gaza issues ultimately to support our moslem brothers in palestine monetarily/mentally/spiritually,
date: 10th january 2009
venue: stadium melawati, shah alam
date & venue: 25th of january 2009, dewan sivik pj
to the new president taking in-charged of the white house which we have to wait whether there is any chance for islamic countries from being victimised no more by the obvious world-empowered 'players' who are also the ones that monopolizing the world economies, to my never-ending freaking works (non-stop calculations + analysing reports) which forcing me to looking at figures for more than 12 hours almost every day (eerrgghh buhsan!!) sampai mata pun nak naik juleng, to having another part of my families pindah tempat lain (ade ke a day before diaorg berangkat si akif gi buat pintu keter aku macam kertas conteng dia! addduiii!!! bertuahnyeee la anak sedara aku sorang tuh! geraaamm jer aku ngan budak taik lalat besar tuh tp rinddduuuuuu!!),
to me having few personal probs (this is the most tension part la...can i just say i miss last year so much! huhu..), to k.yati yang masuk ketujuh puluh lapan kalinya gi explore indon & this time around kat jogja (gw cemburu dong ama lho), to the house transformation...hahahaha..ini sebenarnye terjadi secara tidak sengaja, to the well-repaired old laptop (thx to en mie),
banyak berjasa since zaman blajar lagi nih. but now became mom's..
to me buying sony vaio,
glossy black gitu..ahaks...;p
to me writing a summary of almost-a-month-cronology-kinda entry on this very much missed blog....